Enjoy the Ride!! Keeping an Open Mind on Your Dance Journey

July 18, 2024

In the fast-paced world of dance, it’s easy to become fixated on achieving perfection and reaching the final destination. We often measure success by flawless performances and accolades. However, the true essence of dance lies not in the end goal but in the journey itself. Let’s dive into the importance of embracing the journey, accepting criticism positively, exploring new techniques, branching out of our comfort zones, cheering others on, being authentic, and staying present in the moment.

Letting Go of Perfection

Perfection is a daunting standard that can overshadow the joy of dancing. Instead of obsessing over every minor flaw, shift your focus to progress and growth. Celebrate the small victories, acknowledge improvements, and understand that every misstep is a learning opportunity. Remember, it’s the imperfections that add character and uniqueness to your dance.

Embracing Constructive Criticism

Receiving criticism can be challenging, but it’s a crucial part of growth. Instead of viewing feedback as a personal attack, see it as an opportunity to improve. Take criticism positively and apply the changes immediately to show coachability. Demonstrating your willingness to learn and adapt is far more valuable than striving for an elusive perfection. Being coachable means you’re open to growth and willing to refine your skills continuously.

Exploring New Techniques

Dance is a diverse and ever-evolving art form. Sticking to a single style or technique can limit your potential. Embrace new ways and methods of dance, even those outside your comfort zone. Experiment with different styles from just what you are comfortable with. Each technique offers unique insights and skills that can enhance your overall performance and creativity.

Stepping Out of Your Bubble

It’s easy to stay within your comfort zone, surrounded by familiar faces and routines. However, true growth happens when you step out of your bubble. Engage with dancers and athletes from different backgrounds, styles, and experiences. Attend workshops, join dance communities, and participate in events that bring together dancers from different training backgrounds together as a group. These interactions will expand your network, expose you to new ideas, and enhance your dance journey.

Building New Friendships and Cheering Others On

Dance is a social art form that thrives on connection and support. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet new friends and build meaningful relationships. Cheer on your fellow dancers, celebrate their successes, and be genuinely happy for their achievements. Creating a supportive environment creates a sense of community and belonging, making your dance journey more fulfilling.

Being Authentic

In the quest for perfection, it’s easy to lose sight of your authentic self. Embrace your uniqueness and let your personality shine through in your dance. Being genuine and true to yourself not only makes you a more compelling performer but also helps you connect with others on a deeper level.

Staying Present and Disconnecting from Technology

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get distracted by our phones and miss out on the present moment. Make a conscious effort to stay off your phone and fully engage with the world around you. Look at the amazing opportunities and athletes around you. Being present allows you to fully experience the beauty of the moment, appreciate the journey, and form genuine connections with those around you.


The journey of dance is a beautiful, winding path filled with challenges, discoveries, and growth. By letting go of the obsession with perfection, embracing constructive criticism, exploring new techniques, stepping out of your bubble, building new friendships, cheering others on, being authentic, and staying present, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities. Remember, it’s not about the destination—it’s about the experiences and lessons learned along the way. So, enjoy your journey, and dance with an open mind and heart.